• Grief Support

    Grief is a level of emotional pain we all experience and have to resolve in our own special way. Since we are all unique there are no set standards or criteria we have to measure up to. There are many people in this world who say you should go through stages of grief, act certain ways or exhibit your emotions in a particular fashion. There are many books, articles, internet sites, churches and friends who are ready to help you during this time in your life.. Embrace only those you feel comfortable with and don't feel you have to do something your not comfortable with. Remember, your healing process toward closure will begin when you allow it and not before We pray you find the right grief source for you to begin your new journey. Listed below are some references that may help you start as you sort through the changes in your life.


    Grief-related websites

    Journey of Hearts   Journey of Hearts was designed to be a Healing Place with resources and support to help those in the grief process following a loss or a significant life change.

      http://www.cancer.org/griefandloss/coping-with-the-loss-of-a-loved-one-intro-to-grief-mourning-bereavementBereavement is what a person goes through when someone close to them dies. It's the state of having suffered a loss.Mourning is the outward expression of loss and grief. Mourning includes rituals and other actions that are specific to each person's culture, personality, and religion. Bereavement and mourning
    are both part of the grieving process.

    GriefNet  An internet community of persons dealing with grief, death, and major loss. 

    Journey Through Grief - A website full of ideas for how people can work through grief using memory books, journaling, poetry reading and writing and much more. It also contains many articles about the grief process.

    Seasons of Solace - A book that uses photography and poetry to tell the healing journey of Janelle Hertzler after her husband was killed by a drunk driver.

    http://www.hospicefoundation.org/      This organization sponsors an annual national Living with Grief teleconference and has some very good grief-related publications, newsletters and resources.  The Center for Good Mourning is a host site for the annual spring Living with Grief teleconference.

    http://www.griefwatch.com/    Resources for pregnancy loss and support for general loss.  Web site includes a relative links index, message boards, and related grief topics.  Also includes information regarding The Remembering Heart, The Certificate of Life, the great book Tear Soup:A Recipe for Healing After Loss, personal bereavement cards and a free online newsletter

    http://www.suicidology.org/  Excellent information and links to suicide related topics

    http://www.compassionatefriends.org  Offers local self-help groups for parents grieving the death of a child and has both written and video resources.  Web site information available in Spanish.  Check phone book or web site for local chapters.  

     http://www.archildrens.org/home.aspx   Helping a Child after a Death, Explaining death, attending the Funeral, Setting an Example ......   "When There Are No Good Words to Say"

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